Gregory Petrossian 

SkyPoint CSG

Gregory Petrossian is Director of Sales at SkyPoint CSG (previously CSG Pro). He helps business leaders achieve their data driven goals with his expertise in business intelligence, embedded analytics, cost-efficient data warehouse implementations, and custom-tailored software solutions. He is well known for his contributions leading the Portland Power BI and Portland Power Platform User Groups.


The value of Data lies in what we do with that data. Reports, dashboards, models, all of that is meaningless unless it enables someone within the business to take action. As the Data God of Business Value, Gregory has shown leadership and vison for how data can transform the way businesses collaborate, work together, and take action. This Data God reminds us to continue to focus on the business value, and not get caught up in the technology. 

The value of an idea lies in the using of it.

Thomas A. Edison

Gregory is one of the new blood of leaders who see and understand the value of Business Intelligence and Self-Service technology. More so, Gregory derives value in bringing people together to help each other solve common technology problems that in turn help deliver on the promise of the value of technology.


Gregory is a cryptocurrency and NFT enthusiast that has spent much of the pandemic tinkering as an avid crypto miner. He can be found surfing the metaverse with his dapper Mooncat persona.

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